Finding Sea Coral and Caring for our reefs
If you love the beach, searching for beach treasures, or decorating with coastal decor, I’m looking for YOU!
Sea coral is another one of my favorite things to find on the beach! It’s always a little harder to spot amongst the shell piles, except for the unique shape. I often find it growing on a seashell too that I might have otherwise left at the beach. It’s a little less rare here on Amelia Island than finding sea glass, but I always find really tiny pieces and hardly ever any bigger ones.
This is definitely one of those things you have to be careful with out in the ocean or careful about buying. Fake sea coral is the way to go if you want a big display piece because you never want to chance something that was harvested from a coral reef just to sell.
Our coral reefs are SO important and protect our oceans and protect the rest of the world from storms. If they die off we may be in trouble! It’s been getting hotter and hotter in the ocean lately, and that doesn’t help them either. I don’t really know what the answer is to help except to take care of the ocean, litter, buy sustainably and don’t take living coral or anything else living from the ocean. Using reef-safe sunscreen when you are at the beach can help too.
If you need a sign to go with your coral treasures you’ve found, I love painting this one! Let me know if you love sea coral too and follow for more coastal inspiration!