Don't Hide your beach treasures away- Display them!
Don't hide away all the beautiful treasures you find by the sea!
Get them out and decorate with them! I've got some great tips below to help you out!
It used to take me far too long to display my treasures after a beach trip and too many Ziploc bags of treasures sat in my office closet before I finally dumped them all out, sorted, and displayed them!
Don't be me, lol! Get those treasures out of hiding, out of your suitcases and Ziploc bags!
I'm not saying that finally displaying my beach treasures *actually* helped me move to the beach, but I **am** saying once I finally pulled all my treasures out of years' worth of boxes filled with Ziplocs full of sand, shells, sea glass, and more... we moved to the beach two months later! Seriously!
Now that we live at the beach, I immediately pull my treasures out of my shell bags and put them up. Okay, okay, maybe the next day or two, and maybe I've had a few things still rolling around in my car that I need to get out, but I've improved, okay?!
Here's some ideas to display your treasures: bowls, jars, baskets, even tiny dishes, and larger shells! Even sprinkle them on a shelf, lean up against a photo or sign.
You don't have to be crafty or complicated with your diplays! Make it easy and get those treasures out!
And don't forget to check out all our amazing beachcombing signs to display beside your treasures! They'll help keep your beach memories close, and the promise of another trip even closer, and tide you over until you get there!