Finding calm in the chaos and restoring your soul
The world is a crazy place sometimes, and has felt especially heavy lately.
Hurricanes, elections, the economy - there's a lot to worry about. If you feel your anxiety creeping in and your thoughts taking over, I've got a few tips!
Of course, the beach is a place that is so restoring to so many of us, but even I can't always get there. My life is crazy busy lately with work and the kids' school activities, so I even have to resort to things other than walking on the beach some days.
Read a book. Sometimes it's best to turn off social media and the news and escape. I've been curling up at night with a book some days instead of scrolling because it is so much more calming to my mind.
Take a walk. Now if I'm walking, it's probably at the beach, but if you can't, you may have fall leaves turning in your neighborhood or flowers blooming depending on what time of year it is that will lift your spirits. Connecting with nature and getting outside can sometimes completely change your mood.
Call a friend. There's nothing quite like a good chat with a friend to lift your spirits. Share your worries, laugh about silly things, or just catch up. Sometimes, hearing a friendly voice can make all the difference in your day.
Clean up a room. Cleaning a room or straightening up a closet can be like clearing your mind. It's amazing how much better I feel when I tackle that junk drawer or organize my closet. Plus, the sense of accomplishment when you're done is a great mood booster!
Decorate a space in your home. Rearranging furniture or pulling out holiday decor early can really brighten your mood! Changingthinggs up brings in fresh energy and can make your home feel more inviting. Whether it’s adding some seashells to your coffee table or hanging up one of our coastal signs, little touches can create a calming atmosphere.
Do a craft project or DIY. Paint something or pull out your seashells and organize them or make something with them. Getting creative can be so therapeutic! If you tackled cleaning the spot you store your craft supplies (tip #5!), maybe you'll be inspired to use them!
Crank some music. There's nothing like your favorite tunes to lift your spirits. Whether it's relaxing music or a hip-hop jam, singing and dancing arround the house can release some of that anxiety. (If you are me, just gotta do this one home alone or I'll give anxiety and embarrassment to my kids, lol!)
Do some online shopping. Grab something that makes your home feel more like the beach. Sometimes, adding a little piece of coastal charm to your space can be just the pick-me-up you need. Browse through our collection and find that perfect sign that speaks to your beach-loving soul. It's like bringing a little piece of your happy place right into your home!
- Follow us on social media! I know I said to get off of social media, but when you are on there, you can control some of what you see. Follow pages that bring you joy and peace. Watch some of our daily beach videos, sharr our inspiring beach quotes, and see our coastal decorating tips. We even have a facebook group that you can share beach pics, quotes and decor in.
Remember, it's okay to take a break and focus on your mental health. These little acts of self-care can make a big difference in how you feel. So go ahead, try one (or all!) of these tips and bring a little calm into your day. You deserve it!