Staying Safe At the beach

Staying Safe At the beach


If you love the beach, searching for beach treasures, or decorating with coastal decor, I’m looking for YOU!  

Let’s talk beach safety again friends. I don’t know why there isn’t more education on it, so I’ll keep talking about it when I can! There have been too many incidents happening this summer, or maybe I’m just more aware of it lately! 

Here are my top tips for staying safe:

  1. Learn to Spot Riptides: The calm area between waves can be the most dangerous. If caught in a riptide, don't fight it. Let it take you parallel to the shore until you can swim back in or get help. Fighting the current will exhaust you and potential rescuers.
  2. Keep Hydrated: Start hydrating before you hit the beach. The Florida sun is intense, so bring plenty of water.
  3. Use double Sun Protection: Bring shade and use reef-safe sunscreen. The sun's rays reflect off water and sand, so apply sunscreen even if you're in the shade or if it's cloudy. Avoid spray sunscreens especially for a long stretch at the beach because rub-in types are more effective.
  4. Protect Your Feet: Wear shoes walking through the sand. It can get incredibly hot and burn your feet. I may have experience not listening to this advice! And when you walk to the water keep your shoes in the shade or flip them upside down to avoid having them hot when it’s time to leave

The beach is such an amazing place, and make sure you keep yourself and your family safe! Share your tips in the comments!

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