What is sea glass and where to find it

What is sea glass and where to find it

If you love the beach, searching for beach treasures, or decorating with coastal decor, I’m looking for YOU!  

Let’s go hunting for sea glass today! Or…..let’s pretend I’ve just found all of these amazing treasures, because I can’t predict when I’m going to find seaglass! The past few times I’ve been to the beach here on Amelia Island, it’s been pretty bare except for seaweed.

If I could only ever find one treasure on the beach, I would make it seaglass, but I’m glad it’s not the only thing I can find here. 

Did you know that sea glass is really….welll….it’s not a treasure from the sea, but trash that the sea has turned into treasure! I know a lot of us think that’s common knowledge but it isn’t always. 

Sea glass is made from glass bottles, or other glass objects that were once dumped in the sea. Using less glass and being more careful to not liter has made sea glass more rare. Glass is made from sand too but I’ll admit I don’t know much about that!
The shinier and sharper a piece of sea glass is, the newer the piece is. One that has been in the ocean a long time is more frosty and rounded. 

Lots of our sea glass here on Amelia Island is newer, but I still love it.

If it’s too new looking and not a blue color, I’m likely to throw it back to let it “cook” more! Let me know below if you love sea glass too and follow for more coastal inspo!

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