Your words matter!
Our words carry incredible power. They can make someone smile, laugh, cry, or even respond in anger. In this chaotic world, where emotions run high and tensions flare, our words matter more than ever. They can bring us together, hold us accountable, and inspire us to stand up for what’s right—or speak out when something isn’t.
Words can also have a huge impact on our goals and dreams.
For years, business coaches and friends have encouraged me to choose a "word of the year." Instead of a typical New Year’s resolution, it’s a single word to focus on—something that brings clarity and helps you move closer to your goals.
But honestly, I’ve resisted. The uncertainty of the past few years, combined with the unexpected lessons these words seem to bring, made me hesitant.
In 2020, my word was "inspire." And, well… we all know how that year went. That year did inspire us to move to the beach, and we DID—but it was also an incredibly difficult time.
Looking back, I realize I was too focused on the outcome of the word instead of asking myself, How can this word help me grow in small, everyday steps?
This year, my word is intent. Not "intentional," which is also a wonderful word (and one I’ve painted often as a Word of the Year sign). But intent, as a noun, means purpose.
Honestly, I'm not even a fan of this word, but I keep coming back to it!!
What is the purpose behind my words? My actions? Especially as a mom and a wife.
That’s where my focus lies this year. What is the intent behind what I am about to say or do?
The past five years have been a whirlwind—full of big life changes, deep losses, and incredible growth. I’ve lost family and friends, but I’ve also built deeper connections with my husband and kids. My relationship with God has grown in ways I never expected, and my heart for the hurting and underprivileged has expanded.
At the same time, I’ve learned to let go of the small, unimportant things. Life has taught me to focus on what’s truly important: my family and the impact we leave on the world.
As I move through this year, I want to filter everything I do through the lens of intent:
- Do I need to spend time at the beach today for my mental health?
- Should I set aside the paintbrush or computer to snuggle my kids?
- Will my response to someone who disagrees with me help us both—or only cause harm?
I want to approach life with intent: how I spend my time, by setting boundaries, carefully guarding my words, and prioritizing the mental health of myself and my family.
As for my business, my intent is simple: I want my words and art to bring peace, light, and joy into your life.
There’s so much negativity in the world—I want Anchored Soul Designs to be a safe, uplifting space for you.
Let me know below what your Word of the Year is! And if you’d like your word on a sign to inspire you all year long, snag a custom sign here.
1 comment
This perspective and this question are the crux of leading a more balanced life, “Looking back, I realize I was too focused on the outcome of the word instead of asking myself, How can this word help me grow in small, everyday steps?”. One day, one step, one intent-filled action at a time is the way to go. Loved this post!😍